<Eastcrest Coalition> is a crossroads of opportunity looking to provide a welcoming and diverse Roleplay experience. With numerous roleplay themes to offer, you're sure to find a home within the Coalition. From Adventure to Commerce; with weekly story driven events, and even some casual PvE on the side - We offer just a bit of everything.Â
Eastcrest Coalition is a partnership between Eastcrest Estate and Oldminster Enclave. While the Coalition was initially formed in response to the undead presence within Duskwood, its goals and horizons have broadened. Eastcrest Coalition aims to improve the lives of citizens throughout its territories.
The Coalition's Vanguard serves as the first line of defense against the Coalition's foes. Whether it is rogue undead in the forests of Duskwood, feral Worgen in Freyharbor, or the occasional angry customer, the Vanguard is there to keep the peace.
Devoted to seeking out new markets, and advancements, Mercantile functions as the primary commercial branch of Eastcrest. Mercantile functions abroad through Eastcrest's territories, finding new ideas and products to bring to markets at home. Within Stormwind, Mercantile focuses on hosting the Coalition's Warehouse, where goods are served and shipped to customers.