Party Members:
Waylare Huxton
Vaniza Rainwalker
Mordecai Heartwood
Kitrasina Veni'maev
Echo Darksorrow
Richard Theobalt
Zelon Rosebinder
Aedris Songheart
Jasper, the Skunk
Venturing north from Freyharbor's side gates, the Coalition convened at the cities, now abandoned, forest outpost. Organized by Richard Theobalt, the Coalition began it's scouting excursion into the Woodland region.
After a short journey into the woods, the Coalition discovered the mauled corpse of a Stag. Investigating it's corpse with the utmost care, Waylare Huxton was quick to determine that the Stag had been slaughtered by something large, likely a Worgen. Echo Darksorrow's impromptu examination of the corpse's innards revealed that it had been slaughtered aimlessly, much of its innards left in tact.
Taking to the scent quickly Mordecai Heartwood lead the Coalition deeper into the woods, following the Worgen's scent to a nearby banner, a relic of the Alliance's settlements within the region. The banner itself had been shredded by the Worgen, for unknown reasons.
As the Coalition investigated the banner, a nearby bush began to stir, drawing the attention of Mr. Heartwood, and Hazel, the Arcane Construct sent by Terran to observe. As the pair approached, a skunk emerged angrily from the bush, charging towards Mordecai before ... slowing to a crawl. Recognizing the Druid as a friend of nature, the Skunk calms down, attempting to converse with Mr. Heartwood.
The Skunk proved as eager to have the Worgen removed from the region as the Coalition, willingly guiding them through the forest towards an abandoned camp, torn asunder by claw. Blood was found splattered across one of the buildings, and was investigated by Ms. Kitra and Vaniza Rainwalker. The pair were unable to determine anything specific regarding the blood itself. Though Worgen droppings were found near the blood. Examination via rock squishing proved to be of little explicit aid.
Meanwhile, Mister Huxton and Mister Heartwood investigated a nearby building, within the corpse of a local was found, seemingly from self-inflicted wounds, though nothing was conclusive. As Mister Huxton regrouped with the others, Mister Heartwood took the body to offer it a respectful burial and last rites. During the final rites and burial, Mister Heartwood discovered a bitemark on the victim, with a bit of blackened fur and flesh at the mark. Deducing that the man had opted to die on his own terms, rather than suffer the fate of the Worgen Curse.
As Mister Heartwood offered the revelation to the Coalition, Ms. Darksorrow began to search for a set of tracks, following them up a nearby snow covered hill. Ms. Darksorrow's search was interrupted by a local Feral Worgen, seeking out and ambushing the Coalition's ranger. Acting swiftly, Echo discovered the encroaching Worgen and loosed an arrow against it. As the Worgen howled in pain, the Coalition ran to regroup with Ms. Darksorrow. The Worgen quickly took to the backfoot as the Coalition arrived, forcing a confrontation. As the standoff continued, Mister Heartwood stepped forward, aiming to calm the Feral Worgen and gain an ally. Though the Worgen briefly seemed to calm down, it's effort was interrupted by Ms. Rainwalker who took the opportunity to stealthily bound through the snow and pull a concoction ridden cloth across the Worgen's snout. Though its effect were not instantaneous, the Worgen quickly slowed, loosing a momentary assault against Mister Huxton who swiftly retorted with a prompt shield slam to the worgen's chest, sending it tumbling down into the snow, unconscious.
With the Worgen subdued, the Coalition quickly opted to tie it up, ensuring it would not be able to run away should it awake early. As the party took hold of the Worgen and returned to the outpost, and reconvening with Lieutenant Theobalt and attempting to interrogate the Worgen. As it stirred, Mister Huxton was able to hold it down, preventing it from running away. As Aedris stepped forward, aiming to paralyze it and facilitate better interrogation. In the process, the Worgen was able to get just loose enough to reach out and bite Aedris in the thigh.
Sensing the cause was lost for the moment, Lieutenant Theobalt directed the Coalition to get the Worgen secured until someone can arrive to try and give the Feral proper treatment.