Map designed by Guild Officer Araellion Songheart

Freyharbor is a small port town on the eastern coast of Grizzly Hills. Built along the ocean and an unnatural bay. Once ruled over by Lady Rosewing, the port town has faced a troubled history. Initially constructed after the destruction of Silvermoon, Lady Rosewing sought to create a new home for her people. Using dangerous Arcane Magic, the natural coastline was carved away into the bay Freyharbor is now built around. During the initial Northrend Campaign the town saw some degree of success and usage before being mismanaged. 

After years of neglect, misuse, and strife, the town of Freyharbor has been reduced to a minor human settlement constantly struggling to survive against the nature of Northrend. When the town was eventually brought under Eastcrest's control in year 35, it suffered severely in the face of rampaging Scourge, Feral Worgen, and occasional Furbolg aggression. Though the town has managed to survive it remains a poorly fortified link in Eastcrest's trade lines.